Wednesday, June 9, 2010

American Thinker: Barack Obama's Day Off

American Thinker: Barack Obama's Day Off

YIKES! Bob Smith talks about our national descent, "from the Greatest Generation of the WWII generation to the WORST GENERATION of the Boomers and Xers?" Nah-nah-nah Roberto, don't lump us Xers in there with the looser Boomers, at least, the older "Sumer of Love" Boomers. The ones who claim to have been at Woodstock or say that they are "Dylan" fans but don't know any of the songs, ala John Kerry. The Pilgrims to Haight - Ashbury.

I'm talking about the the "Timothy Leary" dudes. "Far Out Man!" I think those were the real lunkheads. Most of us Xers had respect for the President of our youth, Ronnie. Whereas it was a Boomer Pastime to ridicule the Gip. We made Patriotism cool again in the '80s and our movies spoke to the American Renaissance, like Top Gun, Heartbreak Ridge, Missing in Action. Our heroes were bigger than life, can-do Arnolds, Sylvesters and Chucks. Well, at least one of those three is a genuine hero and Patriot, in Chuck Norris. Sly is too much in love with being seen at Laker games to be "controversially Patriotic." "THIRTY-SOMETHING"...remember that show? Hah! Boomers, you guys are DONE! Loosers! At any rate...enjoy the following offering from a great source, American Thinker. American Thinker. Now THAT's a real concept, in the age of Obama!

Bueller Obama's Day Off!

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Monday, June 7, 2010

During the Democrat Primary, Hillary Clinton ran a brilliant political ad, painting Obama as the lightweight he truly was.  I didn't vote for Hillary, but I approved that message.  Because we who were honest KNEW she was right!  Now, that doesn't mean that I would rather have a Hillary as Commander in Chief over McCain, as much of a RINO John-O-Mac is, but Hillary over Barry?  Sure.  By a narrow margin.  I gotta admit, it was fun dancing on the grave of Hillary's Presidential aspirations around this time of year, two years ago.

And here we are, these two LONG years later and 3AM telephone call after 3AM telephone call is ringing the phone at 1600 Pennsylvania and Barry can't hit his "snooze" fast enough.  Those pesky, annoying phone calls in the middle of the night!  They are ruining THE ONE's beauty sleep!  How's he supposed to hit a jump shot on the basket ball court or avoid a slice on the driving range with these annoying calls!  The nerve of them!

I like Byron York's take on Obama's ineptitude.  In 2008, Barry was interviewed by CNN lap dog, Anderson Cooper.  Coop asked THE ONE if he could handle an emergency like the (at the time) threat posed by the ominous approach of Hurricane Gustav.  This, in light of the constant reminder of the Out of the Mainstream Media's judgement on Dubya's inability to handle the crisis caused by Hurricane Katrina.  THE ONE compared the size of his campaign staff to Sarah Palin's experience as mayor of the town of Wassilla.  AS IF, because Barry's campaign flunkies, managing an immense campaign that dwarfed the number of town folk working for Wassilla, was evidence that THE ONE could also simply raise his regal chin, wave his limp left wrist and dismiss any crisis that dared challenge the potential legacy of the Savior from Nairobi.  Err, I mean, Hawaii.

Well, it ain't 2008 anymore.  It's 2010.  How do you think that "hope and change" is working out for that their Gulf region?

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