We've got a whole lot of politicians out there who just can't stand to hear you speak your mind. When I say "you", I mean regular everyday folks who are not uber-traders on Wall Street, Corporate Executives or "gift-bearing" Lobbyists.
These recent Town Halls, where regular voters are asking simple questions of their elected officials, is really upsetting Democrats in power and the mainstream media. Expressed emotions on the part of voters and the general public is normally the domain of Liberals, who anger their constituents to a frenzied froth and unleash their fury on Republicans and extort Corporations. See Jesse Jackson, Ralph Nader, et all. The out of the Mainstream Media just loves protests, normally. They regularly inflate the number of protesters and their significance to the "discussion". But it is undeniable that the Tea Party protests that occurred earlier this year, along with the Town Hall meetings where Government Run health care is drug through the coals is having a tremendous impact on public opinion.
Even with every major media outlet outside of FOX News and the Wall Street Journal attempting to demonize regular everyday voters to protect their favorite Liberal politicians.
More often than not, we're talking about Democrat voters asking Democrat Representatives and Sentators tough, but basic questions. Because let's face facts, if it were the case that only Republicans were out there making hay, there would be no momentum. Why? Because Republicans lost big in '06 and again last year. Because Republicans are notoriously lazy, uninvolved and disinterested when it comes to expressing public outrage. They tend to express themselves with their feet and their wallets. If all of this expressed outrage was not real and if people were really not that scared of the repurcussions of living under Government Run health care, it would be painfully obvious. But when concerned citizens who refuse to be lemmings go out there and actually seek to hold their elected officals accountable for their actions in the Senate or on Capitol Hill, they are lampooned as (since the Obama election) "racists", right wing extremists, "birthers" and so on.
I mean, you remember how "Joe the Plumber" was savaged by the out of the Mainstream Media for daring to ask then Democrat Presidential Candidate Obama to elaborate on his views on taxes. This is where the teleprompter-lacking Obama made his infamous "spread the wealth around" comment. Nicely done, Comrade Obama. Moderate Democrats ignored the pink elephant in the room and went on to support an unproven, radical who has done nothing to discredit those who questioned his leadership capabilities, let alone his judgment when it comes to national security or sound fundamental economic principals.
There is something unique, something magical about seeing a regular, everyday, lunch-bucket citizen take an elected official to task. Regardless of the Party. I think this is part of the appeal of Sarah Palin. She not only taps into that raw power of the awakened Citizen, she embodies it. Take a good look at her career. You won't find an establishment Republican or money bag (like George Soros, Barackolytes) jumping in to back Sarah. Think what you will about her, it is without question remarkable how she took on the establishment of her own party and won. Who cares whether or not she's a regular on "Meet the Press" or whether or not she reads the New York Times. I think that's part of her appeal. She offends establishment Republicans? Good! That's what I call "Reaganesque". Now if we could just work on those communication skills!
And so, continuing this theme of a regular "Joe" taking on the establishment, I just had to share this video with you. You may have already seen this, but please feel free to pass this on. This is the blessed event where a Veteran U.S. Marine absolutely undresses Democrat Representative Brian Baird of WA at a recent Town Hall meeting.
Please enjoy!
I have seen this about a dozen times or so and still, can't get enough!
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