Tuesday, November 30, 2010

TSA's Nude Scans Would Miss Taped-on Bombs

I think that it has been pretty well established that the new TSA Scanners are a result of the last breaths of Bush cronyism through former Department of Homeland Security chief Michael Chertoff.  Chertoff's company, "The Chertoff Group" is conveniently poised to be awarded contracts to build scanners for the TSA, thanks to "the need for the scanners" being established by Chertoff while he was head of the DHS.  I think this in your face corruption is almost as bad as former Bush Treasury Secretary Hank Paulsen's preferential treatment of his former company, Goldman Sachs.  I don't doubt that there are maniacs out there, including Islamists who would love to hit us.  However, I do think that the hysteria and gross abuse of trust perpetrated by the TSA is either (a) another example of government inefficiency and largesse or (b) a clear picture of corruption and a thinly veiled exercise to train Americans to be obedient and subserviant at the whim of government.

Apparently, these scanners are in question as to whether or not they would even stop the most rudimentary of "terrorists"...

Shocker! TSA's nude scans would miss taped-on bombs: Peer-reviewed paper says terrorists could fool clothes-penetrating tools

By Jerome R. Corsi - © 2010 WorldNetDaily

Posted: November 29, 2010 - 9:08 pm Eastern

A new peer-reviewed scientific study says the backscatter full-body imaging X-ray machines being used by the federal Transportation Security Administration could be fooled by terrorists who simply would mold explosives to conform to their bodies.

WND obtained an advance copy of the report, titled "An evaluation of airport X-ray backscatter units based on image characteristics," in which University of California scientists Leon Kaufman and Joseph Carlson demonstrated that packages of explosives contoured to the body or worn along the sides likely would not be detected by TSA X-ray units built to "see" hard edges and anatomical features, and used primarily to image the front and back of the body.

The article comes from Dr. David Brenner of Columbia's Center for Radiological Research, whose research includes estimating the risks of low dose X-ray exposures.

WND previously reported that Brennan has cautioned that it is "quite likely" that radiation from screening machines being installed nationwide by the TSA to use on airline passengers will cause cancer, especially among high-risk groups that include frequent fliers and children.

The issue has erupted into headlines and protests during this month as the agency rolled out new requirements that demand passengers go through a scanning process through which essentially nude images are produced for TSA agents to screen, or submit to a hands-on full-body pat-down that includes agents touching private areas of the passengers' bodies.


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