Tuesday, November 2, 2010

White House Insider: Pelosi Willing to Take Obama Down

White House Insider: A significant rift exists between soon to be outgoing House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and President Obama
 In early September, Blogger Ulsterman in the Newsflavor Blog reported that a former Obama White House Insider and long term Democrat operative based in the District was coming clean about the turmoil in the Obama Administration.  The "Insider" is a recognizable person but for obvious reasons wished to remain anonymous.  Earlier discussions with the Insider revealed how irresponsible the President's behavior was and how the administration was shocked at his behavior.  He was becoming increasingly unwilling to engage the challenges of his Office.  Members of his administration were openly wondering what kind of lapse they had in judgement thinking that the President was at all prepared to handle the job.  His behavior was becoming detached and would spend a lot of time watching ESPN and engaged in sports but not showing much willingness to tackle the severe challenges facing his administration and the nation as a whole.  The Insider described President Obama as an incredible campaigner but totally lost at handling the actual job of being President.  The President was especially callous and unmoved with respect to the gravity of the situation facing our troops in Afghanistan.  At this point in time, the President is "absolutely lost", according to the Insider.  They also said that the country could not afford another 4 years of a second Obama term.  When told that they "sounded like Rush Limbaugh", the Insider told the interview (Bleep) You!  The Insider is still a loyal Democrat, as such a reaction would suggest.

Now, in this interview, the Insider details the impact of the failure of Obama and the implications for the Democrat Party.  Not many are going to be willing to go down with the ship.  The Insider revealed that they will now work very hard to save not only the Democrats, but the nation itself.  The insider was planning on campaigning openly for a primary challenger once they felt safe to do so.  Should the Obama administration learn of their identity, their career in D.C. would be destroyed.  The news of a primary challenger for such a "historical candidate" as Obama may not sound particularly revelatory today, it was quite the breaking news when it was first released in early September.  John Fund of the Wall Street Journal reported today that 47% of Democrats believe that Obama should face a challenge in the 2012 Primary.  According to the Insider, there is a serious scandal brewing in the White House and the Democrat leadership is increasingly less willing to defend Obama.  They are in fact, furious at how oblivious the President is to not only the nation's challenges but to the Democrat Party's travails as well.  Instead of inspiring hope, he has become a hopeless liability.  Time will tell.

Excerpt from the Insider's account regarding Pelosi's potential turn on Obama:

I have never seen party members so actively motivated to openly challenge a sitting president in their own party. (The) Trip to India has Dems shaking heads in disbelief. Phrase “running away” being repeated often. WH appears oblivious to situation. Once again, CLOSELY watch for Pelosi news. Speaker preparing for departure from Congress, but going to burn bridges as she does so – namely all those leading to the White House. Speculation she will assist in clearing way for Congressional investigations against Obama White House in coming year. In effect, Pelosi willing to help take Obama down. Quote from within her office that came back to me as follows, “How that -expletive- idiot ever got elected is beyond me. Well let’s see how he does without me around to carry his -expletive- water.” Pelosi very unhappy receiving directive from WH to not attempt any significant legislation during lame duck session. “Leave a mess for the Republicans.” Pelosi furious over directive as it will further diminish her legacy. I don’t think the lady likes being told what to do…

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